339 Midway Drive, DuBois, PA 15801

infuzed iv hydration and wellness

Keep Your Body Healthy With Infuzed IV Hydration & Wellness


Find relief from Lyme to Auto Immune To Neuropathy To Just Needing Energy & Hydration


Boost Your Immune System, Assist Your Weight Loss Efforts, Grab some sunshine with Vitamin D or Boost Energy Levels with B12.

Wegovy Weight Loss

Medical Weight Loss

Compounded Semaglutide and Compounded Tirzepatide have been game changers! We also offer: Contrave, Bella 3, and various other prescription weight loss. 

Red Light Sauna

May assist in lowering blood pressure, chronic pain, enhanced blood flow, promotes weight loss, toxin removal, improve cardiovascular health, ease joint pain and stiffness

Oxygen Bar

Oxygen Bar

Improve athletic performance, enhance faster muscle recovery, improve circulation, build a stronger immune system, enhance brain function! 



Re energize cell membranes. reduce stress, enhance sleep, relieve pain and stiffness in joints, boosts immune system health, enhances collagen production, enhances HGH, Increase circulation, boosts ATP and oxygen levels in the blood. 

Weight Loss At Infuzed with semaglutide and tirzepatide

Emslim BodySculpting

Pepide Therapy

Normatec Compression Boots

Red Light Therapy

style body sculpt at infuzed iv

3D Body Scanning