339 Midway Drive, DuBois, PA 15801

Normatec Compression Therapy

Normatec Recovery Boots

$20 for 30 Minutes

It is very important that an athlete recovers faster after rigorous exercise in order to enjoy better health and performance. The human body requires three to five days to recover following a rigorous training session. This is because of the natural limitations of the lymphatic and circulatory systems of the human body. The recovery process needs to be hastened in order to help the athlete reduce down-time and improve performance.

NormaTec Recovery Boots been found to be very helpful in ensuring dynamic recovery, which in turn provides a competitive edge to all athletes that are training at all levels. It helps to improve blood circulation, flexibility and reduce the tissue repair time. In addition to athletes, compression therapy would be of great help to individuals whose mobility and activity have been limited either because of chronic issues or injuries.

It involves the use of a Normatec compression device that is designed for recovery or rehabilitation. One or two inflatable boots with multiple cells or sleeves are placed around your legs or arms and they are rhythmically inflated as well as deflated in order to rapidly improve poor circulation. NormaTec Recovery Boot session is easy, convenient, safe and painless. The therapy assists your body’s cardiac system in moving the fluids from the limbs back to the circulatory system, which in turn removes the unwanted material.

In fact, the NormaTec Recovery Boots make use of three different massage techniques in order to speed up the normal recovery process of your body. These techniques are gradients, pulsing compression and distal release. Circulation of blood throughout your body is maximized with the help of these mechanisms to make you feel better, recover faster and train harder.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF NormaTec Recovery Boots?

  • Reduces inflammation and fluid collection
  • Helps to remove toxins such as lactic acid
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Relieves conditions such as heaviness in the legs
  • Helps to avoid development of cellulite
  • Prevents and eliminates first-stage varicose
  • Strengthens loose skin caused by pregnancy or obesity


To start, you will be asked to sit in a comfortable semi-reclined table. Then the NormaTec Recovery device would be applied. You should plan to spend about 30 minutes for a NormaTec Recovery Therapy appointment. It is a non-invasive procedure. However, you will most likely feel a little bit of pressure to a level that is comfortable to you.